Human Rights Law has been born from the notion of an aggregate of rights and freedoms, to which everyone is equally entitled, without any discrimination, solely on the basis of being human and which would secure a humane, free and dignified life. These rights are protected by both our Constitution, which is superior to all other laws, and international and supranational agreements.
First generation human rights such as safety of life and property, freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of thought and expression, right to fair trial and political rights have in time been supplemented by rights and freedoms such as right to labor, fair and equal pay, right to reach a life standard in harmony with human dignity, right to health, right to live in a clean environment, protection of private life and the right to privacy and privacy of communications, freedom of arts and science. Without doubt, this list shall be expanded in parallel with the ongoing social, economic and technological developments. The existence of Human Rights Law both provides securities for each person on an individual level and represents an ideal towards which all humanity needs to strive. Kurtuluş Law Office contributes to this important and actual field of law through;
•All manner of legal consultancy and litigation services in relation to regular legal remedies and administrative applications,
•Lodging individual applications to the Constitutional Court with the purpose of taking advantage of the Constitutional judicial rewiev against violations of rights carried out by persons and institutions employing public power,
•Lodging individual applications to the European Court of Human Rights in case of violations of basic human rights and freedoms protected under the European Convention of Human Rights and its additonal Protocols, to which Turkey is a party.